Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Bit of an Update

     Well, life kinda sucks when you're laying in wait. Here it is, 4 AM on the 4th night of my 5 night stint at work, and all I can do is think about getting my bike and getting this all started. So what does a wannabe cyclist do without a bike? RESEARCH. Pretty much all my waking hours have been devoted to researching everything I need to know about mountain biking, ultra endurance racing, and bikepacking in general. There's also the bi-weekly payments on my steed, and weekly visits to the bike shop to see her so she doesn't get lonely. Work gets boring sometimes, so when I'm lucky enough to have a computer in front of me that isn't filled with patients' heart rhythms, I'm researching:
What bags do I need?
What rims and hubs?
What tires?
I should find some cool jerseys.
Ooooh, someone replied to a post I made on bikepacking
Damnit, it was in reply to someone else...
Let's see what morsels of wisdom are on Scott Thigpen's blog
Ooooh, more gear.

     That's my life in a nutshell right now. I can't ride, because I don't have a bike to ride, which royally sucks because all this rain and ice we're currently getting would really help me perfect the idea of "suffer well." I've tried to curb back the smoking, to no avail. I have a really elaborate plan for biking as a form of what I like to call "addiction replacement therapy," but it requires a bike. If it works and every time I have a craving I need to ride, I just might finish the Tour Divide in about 6 days. Yeah, I smoke a lot, too much in fact. Unfortunately it isn't as easy as just putting them down and not looking back for me. So here I lay in wait. Hopefully I can start putting some miles in sooner than later, but for now, all I can do is daydream. Man waiting sucks.
     Oh, one last thing. I mentioned Scott Thigpen's blog, driven2divide, because it's an absolutely awesome site with a ton of useful and entertaining articles. And while I know that scott is only marginally funnier, and not nearly as handsome as myself, I really hope that the very few of you that read my stuff will travel over there and show him some love. He can also send you a nifty Tour Divide t-shirt if you donate a little bit of your hard earned money. At the least, you will be entertained.
     Speaking of donating money, go ahead and let your eyes wander up to the top right of the link bar. Go ahead, you won't hurt my feelings. You see that link that says "Donate!!!"? You do? Good. Click on it. Now get out your credit card and click the Paypal button to donate. Throw a few dollars in there, it'll feel really good, I promise.

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